Expanding Overcrowding and Financial Costs of Criminal Justice Systems Unites Global Prison Leaders


In March 2014, I was asked to speak among experts from around the world at the International Exhibition and Seminar on Correctional Facilities entitled “Una Ventana Al Mundo De La Reclusión” at the National University of Colombia in Bogotá, Colombia. The conference was developed and coordinated by the Colombian Ministry of Justice in partnership with the university in order to bring together global government and private industry leaders from Spain, Belgium, Argentina, the United States and other countries to discuss the exploding global rates of incarceration and recidivism. Internationally, the rate of recidivism for offenders returning to the prison system within three years of release exceeds 70 percent. This cycle creates an alarming burden on all respective economies. Around the world, there is genuine interest in re-thinking crime prevention, criminal justice and prison delivery systems.

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